Free Child Support Lawyers in Houston

Free Child Support Lawyers in Houston, |
If you have been receiving a check for child support payments from your ex, you may be looking for a free child support lawyers in Houston.

Free Child Support Lawyers in Houston
Many people are faced with the unenviable task of dealing with an unfaithful spouse, and there is nothing more devastating than being given child support payments that you can't possibly afford.

A Houston child support lawyer will help you to collect on this debt for you, with a few simple things.

Free Child Support Lawyers in Houston - Helps Collect Your Unfaithful Spouse's Debt

If you don't already know, the courts in Texas are responsible for appointing child support lawyers. These attorneys are a vital part of the legal system, because they can help you negotiate a new agreement with your ex. It's also their job to help you collect on any past due child support payments.
Once you've figured out that your spouse has been unfaithful, it's time to find a family law attorney. You can get started by going online and doing a search for Houston child support lawyers. Make sure you find one that specializes in this area and doesn't have a large caseload.

The payments are due after a certain amount of time, usually ten years. The courts use a certain amount of credit when setting up these payments, and the court sets the amount based on your income at the time. The judge must sign off on all paperwork before the money can be collected.
Houston child support lawyers will come into your home and ask you to send him all records of income you have received in the last 10 years. You will be asked to provide the information over the phone, and you may be asked to bring along a certified check or money order to prove that the check is coming from you. The information will be used to set up the payment plan.

Image Free Child Support Lawyers in Houston
If the attorney files a motion for modification, he or she can change the payments if you agree to do so. This doesn't have to be done before the modification hearing, but it is recommended. Once the payments start, it is up to you to send in the money on time every month.

When it comes to collecting on your child support payments, there are three different types of orders you can receive from the court. The first is called a default, which means that you haven't paid on a previous court ordered payment. You can get a judicial child support order that is non-judicial, which only requires that you pay the actual amount that you are currently earning.

Judicial child support is based on a percentage of what you earn. An example would be that you make twenty thousand dollars per year, and if you were to get this child support order, you would be required to pay twenty-five percent of your salary. Administrative child support is the one that is seen often in Houston, since the payments are based on how much your children earn.

In addition to hiring a Houston child support lawyers, there are a number of other things you can do to collect on this debt. Many people who have gotten behind on their payments have turned to seeking a loan to make up the difference. Your attorney can tell you about this option and can work with you to get the loan granted.

If you have a co-signer, you can get the co-signer to sign on to the loan as well. If you do choose to use a loan, make sure that the loan is secured against property you own, such as a car or a home. Any assets that are securing the loan should also be sold, so that you don't end up owing more than you are actually making.

If you get a loan, make sure to work with your lawyer to get the loan forgiven if you're unable to pay it back. Some lenders will allow you to pay less, and have the remaining amount forgiven. This is a great way to make things easier on yourself, as well as your ex, because it ensures that the debt never has to be collected.

When you're looking for a free child support lawyers in Houston, make sure to pick a lawyer who practices in your specific area of law. Your local area may have a specific lawyer that is well known for dealing with this type of case, so make sure to pick one.

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